Monday, March 23, 2015

Removing Grout Haze

My floors are down and grouted...holla!  After weeks of floor issues in the kitchen, I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The problem I'm facing now is dreaded grout haze on my tile.  I asked my tile guy how to remove it and he said I just needed to sponge it down with warm water a few times...seriously?? A few??

So I decided to try out some Pinterest ideas and it turns out, I only needed one!

Distilled White Vinegar and Water!

Here is my before...
Ok, so you really can't see it here... but I promise, it had a ton of grout haze.

I mixed 1 part vinegar with 4 parts water (I used one cup of vinegar and 4 cups of warm water) and wiped down the tile.  You can see below where I missed a section.  The side with no haze was completely dry, that's how big the difference is.  

It was almost like the vinegar and water solution ate it right off!  The best part?  It's completely chemical free and there was no "vinegar-ey" smell when it dried!

There are so many awesome uses for vinegar!  What have you used it for?

This post is linked to these fabulous parties!

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